Status: Open Registration Deadline: Nov 11, 2021
Trainers Name: Keithie Lawrence Training Site: 29-25 Avenue D Address:
29-25 Avenue D New York, New York 10009 New York County
Ethics is a virtual (16) hour two day training that will be from 9 am to 5 pm consisting each day with 2 (15) minute breaks and one (30) minute lunch breaks for each day.
This training, designed for Peer
Recovery Specialists, will explore key
ethical issues including confidentiality,
boundaries, and dual relationships.
This training also provides participants
with a forum for examining contemporary ethical, legal, and sociocultural issues pertinent to their development as professional working with the recovery community. The major objective of the training is to provide participants with a framework for ethical decision-making and practice. The virtual will used and geared to going into break out rooms demonstrates the depth of being taught through role playing.
To register please use the email below this
Contact Name: Keithie Lawrence Contact Phone Number: (646) 395-4412 Contact Email Address: [email protected]