Thank you for attending RECON 2024.

We hope to see you next year!

Stories of Recovery are as diverse as society itself. Addiction doesn’t discriminate, and neither does recovery. There are recovery stories from men and women, young and old, rich and poor.

Lori’s Story

“I am a young person in long-term recovery. What that means for me is that I have not had to have a drink or self-prescribed drug in four and a half years! I am a 28-year-old college undergraduate, an employee, a sister, a daughter, a friend, an advocate and a productive member of society today…

Xavier’s Story

Xavier has been in Recovery for many years, and was kind enough to describe some of his journey with FOR-NY. His story is compelling and powerful. He now mentors other people in Recovery. In his words, “The Recovery process has taught me some very important lessons…

Liz’s Story

“I love going on vacation. It’s my time to escape from the everyday and frolic in the land of freedom without a care in the world. That’s one of the reasons I began to drink so much – to get away from the everyday. Before long, my body needed to drink daily to avoid the inevitable withdrawal…


Our mission is to demonstrate the power and promise of recovery from addictions and its value to individuals, families and communities throughout New York State and the nation.



Throughout history, Recovery from addiction had been considered nothing more than continued abstinence from alcohol and/or other drugs.


ER Survival Guide:
Post Overdose/Active Withdrawal ER Discharge


Family to Family Recovery Resource Guide Available for Download!


CRPA Scholarship Information


2024 NYS Recovery Conference

Oct 6-8, 2024