Friends of Recovery – New York (FOR-NY), in partnership with qualified trainers from throughout New York State, is pleased to share first-rate trainings to peer professionals, treatment providers, prevention specialists, and anyone interested in addiction and recovery.
The Science of Addiction and Recovery Train the Advocate
Based on a curriculum developed by Faces & Voices of Recovery, this training empowers recovery advocates to speak confidently about the science behind Addiction and Recovery in their community education efforts, personal advocacy, and policy advocacy. 6 hours*
Our Stories Have Power, Community Recovery Messaging Train the Advocate
Based on a curriculum developed by Faces & Voices of Recovery, this training provides people in recovery, their family members, and all recovery allies with messaging (or language) they can use to talk about recovery in a positive way; thereby erasing the shame and stigma that often accompanies addiction and recovery. 3 hours*
Peer Professional Supervision and TOT for Upstate Trainers
This supervisor training developed, by Exponents Center for Personal and Professional Development and revised by FOR-NY and Recovery Coach University, includes the core competencies for Peer Supervisors, and addresses Peer Professionals working in a variety of clinical and non-clinical community-based settings. 12 hours*
Wellness for Peer Professionals, Clinicians and Families Training, and TOT
Developed by family members, clinicians and peer professionals from FOR-NY, Rhoades to Recovery and CFLR this experiential training offers evidence-based self-care methods for anyone in a helping role. It focuses on solutions to burnout and compassion fatigue beyond identifying the problem. 8 hours*
Trauma Informed Care 101
Institute on Trauma and Trauma-Informed Care (ITTIC) at the University of Buffalo developed this training for OASAS as an overview of trauma informed workplaces and trauma informed care. FOR-NY can adapt this training to your agencies needs. 6 hours*
Community Asset Mapping; Recovery Community Organization (RCO) Training
Developed by FOR-NY to assist RCOs in assessing the strengths, assets and resources beneficial to building partnerships with the community, as well as provide ongoing engagement strategies with allies of the recovery community. 3 hours*
Building your Recovery Community Organization (RCO) from the Ground Up
For developing RCOs, provides the steps to organizing the Recovery Community, strategies for planning and conducting successful meetings, developing identity and purpose, and recruiting and maintaining leadership and membership. 3 hours. Contact us to bring a training to you!
The 45 Second RCO Elevator Pitch
Educating RCOs on how to advocate effectively. Each participant will craft their own Advocacy Elevator Speech targeted specifically for their local legislators. 2 hours. Contact us to bring a training to you!
Recordings of RCO Toolkit Webinars!
- Advocacy in Action (Start from 23:56). See powerpoint here.
- Community Asset Mapping (Start from 40:45). See powerpoint here.
- Grant Writing (Start from 29:48) See powerpoint here.
- How to Facilitate a Successful Meeting. See powerpoint here.
If you are interested in hosting a FOR-NY Training contact Theresa Knorr, Director of Education and Training at [email protected] . The benefits of hosting include 1 free admission with credits or reduced rates for attendance and audit spaces for members of your organization.
Other Peer Professional offerings:
- Recovery Coach Academy (RCA) Training and other peer-specific training – Designed for individuals involved in the recovery initiation of others and/or in sustained recovery themselves who want to become a personal guide and mentor for people seeking or already in recovery. The RCA training covers the Connecticut Center for Addiction Recovery (CCAR) model for peer specialist roles and responsibilities. This is a 30-hour training (add 5 additional hours for the TOT).
- Ethics for Peer Professionals, Self-Care for Recovery Coaches, Medication Assisted Treatment and Recovery (MAT/MAR), Spirituality for Recovery Coaches, Professionalism for Peer Advocates, etc.
Want to see if there’s an upcoming training scheduled in your area? New trainings are added to the schedule all the time, so check back regularly.

Our Stories Have Power Training – Northern tier Providers Conference 2015