Do You Believe in Recovery? Take Action Today! The National Recovery Movement is growing like never before, and the New York Recovery Community is among those leading the way to great change!

Whether we’re…

  • Volunteering at a Recovery Walk, a Recovery Community Organization (RCO), Recovery Community & Outreach Center (RC&OC) or Youth Clubhouse (YCH)
  • Calling or writing elected officials to encourage support for addiction recovery policies
  • Working with local media organizations to demonstrate the other side of addiction (the side they rarely acknowledge)
  • Speaking up at community forums
  • Sharing personal stories with others
  • Investing in Recovery through financial contributions
  • Sending Letters to the Editors of local newspapers
  • Speaking to school groups
  • …Or, simply lending support to friends and neighbors struggling with a substance use disorder

New Yorkers are making a profound difference on behalf of addiction recovery! Yet, while tremendous progress has been made, we have a long way to go!

  • We have a long way to go before Recovery is not only common, but celebrated.
  • We have a long way to go before the shame and stigma attached to addiction and recovery are eliminated.
  • We have a long way to go before society accepts the reality that substance use disorders are a disease, not a moral failing.
  • We have a long way to go before the entire spectrum of recovery support services are available to all who seek them.

Recovery from addiction to alcohol and other drugs is real. It’s achievable, sustainable and beautiful.

We owe it to every man, woman and child impacted by addiction to shine a light on the genuine promise of Recovery.

We owe it to the pioneers of the Recovery movement who paved the way, to continue their mission;

We owe it to our children, our grandchildren and future generations to ensure they’ll live in a world where recovery is treated like any other chronic disease; and shame, stigma and all of the barriers to recovery that exist today are a thing of the past.

Please join us in our efforts to build new, better and more addiction recovery support services in communities throughout New York State, to demonstrate the reality, the power and the promise of long-term recovery; and ultimately, to save lives.

Let us know what you’re doing to support Recovery in your community. Ask us for suggestions on how you can promote Recovery at the local level. Join our mailing list to stay informed about Recovery-related news and events throughout the state and find out how you can get involved!


“Recovery from addiction to alcohol and other drugs is real. It’s achievable, sustainable and beautiful.”

“Recovery from addiction to alcohol and other drugs is real. It’s achievable, sustainable and beautiful.”