YVM Policy Statements

Each year the YVM team works with youth and young adults from across New York State to develop a policy statement to prioritize the needs for young people in or seeking recovery within their communities. Our organization alongside many young people who represent these communities of our state then advocate for these identified needs at the FOR-NY stand up for recovery day event! Using your positive recovery message to advocate is extremely important because it brings solutions to the foreground, aids in changing policies, and breaks the stigma associated with addiction and recovery!

Check out the YVM-NY policies statements below!

Youth Policy Statement 2023

The statewide Youth Recovery Needs Survey was developed and administered by YVM in collaboration with OASAS Youth Clubhouse members and leadership as well as youth and young adult recovery community partners. As a result from the data gathered, the youth recovery community have identified the following three priorities as our 2023 Youth Policy Statement: #1 Compassionate Care; #2 Destigmatizing Recovery; and #3 Accessibility. We call on the Governor and the NYS Legislature to take the following actions immediately to address the needs of young people in the Recovery Community across NYS.

Compassionate Care

Caring for the whole person is essential for recovery and wellness

    • Caring for the whole person is essential for recovery and wellness
    • There is a high correlation between mental health conditions and substance use, and expansion of co-occurring options is critical
    • No young person deserves to slip through the cracks because of one diagnosis over another
    • Cross-specialty education across mental health and substance peers

Destigmatizing Recovery

Destigmatizing recovery and the overall recovery community will increase buy-in for more community-based recovery supports

    • Increased education for families, youth care systems, schools, legislators, and law enforcement on what recovery looks like across the continuum and how to be an ally to young people in their recovery journey
    • Educating staff within youth criminal justice institutions so they can be empowered to provide more comprehensive care to the young people within those systems
    • Increased funding for the already existing youth-dedicated organizations so they can continue to end the stigma within their communities


Equitable accessibility for all communities across the state to ensure that youth and young adults can access their community’s recovery support services

    • Bringing recovery to young people by integrating school-based recovery supports
    • Investing in youth-dedicated transportation services
    • Funding for additional staff and vehicles at OASAS Youth Clubhouses in order to provide youth consistent transportation to and from centers
    • Expansion of mobile treatment and recovery services for youth as well as an awareness campaign to increase youth access to those services

Youth Policy Statement 2020


  • Establish Recovery High Schools and Collegiate Recovery Programs.
  • Funding to implement Certified Recovery Peer Advocates (CRPAs) in all high schools, SUNY and CUNY schools, to make peer services available to youth and young adults.

Recovery Community Resources:

  • Funding to market and promote youth recovery community organizations across the state.
  • Funding to support the creation of more youth clubhouses across the state.
  • Funding to implement multiple pathways of recovery in already available solidified recovery resources.
  • Funding to implement Youth Crisis Diversion Services across the state and Wrap Around Services (Life and Family Skills).
  • Provide more education and resources for families with relatives in recovery.

Youth Policy Statement 2019


  • Establish Recovery High Schools and Collegiate Recovery Programs.
  • Funding to implement Certified Recovery Peer Advocates in all high schools, SUNY and CUNY schools to make peer services available to youth and young adults.

Recovery Community Resources

  • Funding to market and promote youth recovery community organizations across the state.
  • Funding to support the creation of more youth clubhouses across the state.
  • Funding to implement multiple pathways in already available solidified recovery resources.
  • Provide more education and resources for families with relatives in recovery.
  • Funding to implement Youth Crisis Diversion Servies across the tate and Wrap Around Services (Life and Family Skills).

Youth Policy Statement 2018

Through youth-driven discussions across the state, three distinctive areas of concern need to be addressed:


  • We support safe, certified recovery homes for young people in recovery. Individuals in early recovery must be protected and afforded a safe and supportive living environment. We also support youth clubhouses as a place for young people to go outside of their homes and find like-minded young people who can support one another in sustaining recovery.


  • We support access to recovery support services through transportation initiatives. Lack of access to transportation is a major barrier for those struggling to seek and/or sustain recovery. Individuals from rural areas have difficulty accessing services that are often more readily available in urban areas. Transportation should be made accessible to anyone looking to access recovery support services.

Recovery Community Resources:

  • Fund at least one Recovery Community Organization, Recovery Community Outreach Center and Youth Clubhouse in each county; ensure that at least two Certified Recovery Peer Advocates; two Certified Addiction Recovery Coaches and two Certified Family Support Navigators exist in every county in NYS. Establish Recovery High Schools and Collegiate Recovery Programs throughout New York State.