Status: Open Registration Deadline: Sep 17, 2019
Trainers Name: Lori Drescher, CARC, RCP, Training Site: ArtisanWorks Address:
565 Blossom Road, Gallery Q Rochester, New York 14610 Monroe County
Thursday, Oct 11 -0 Friday, Oct 12, 2019, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Participants must register at: Recovery Coach University Founder and Trainer Lori Drescher, CARC, RCP, is a practicing Family and Individual Recovery Coach who provides an exceptional learning and experiential practice environment based on her former career as a Professional Skills Trainer and Leadership Coach, and her lived experience as an affected family member. The average evaluation scores of ’10’ have earned Recovery Coach University training a loyal following of Peer Recovery Coaches and Advocates from across Western and Upstate NY.
Some important information to note for this new training and NYS Peer certification:
- The online training which must be completed prior to the classroomtraining is expected to be available on August 5. Please check the NYCB PWI websitefor updates and connections to this training.
- Please review the eligibility criteria for CRFP-F Certificationon the NYCB PWI website. Scroll to heading: Who is qualified to become CRPA-F?
- Although anyone is welcome to take the 20 hr training,you must meet specific qualification in order to apply for CRPA-F Certification. These include but are not limited to:
- Having completed CRPA Certification
Identifying as a ”a parent, or primary caregiver, of a youth (21 years or younger at onset of family exposure to youth’s substance use) who has participated in, or navigated, the substance use disorder services system.”
Contact Name: Lori Drescher Contact Phone Number: (585) 303-5339 Contact Email Address: [email protected]