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Date: Feb 2, 2019 - Feb 23, 2019 Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Status: Open Registration Deadline: Feb 1, 2019
Trainers Name: Connie Pacheco Training Site: Recoveries R US LLC Address:
127 East 105th Street
3rd Floor New York, New York 10029 Manhttan County
Credit Hours: 30 Credit Types: CASAC, CRPA, CARC Cost: $165 Manuals: Included Schedule:

This training will take place on 4 consecutive Saturdays
Class will meet as follows : Saturday February 2, 2019
Saturday February 9, 2019
Saturday February 16, 2019
Saturday February 23, 2019
From 9:00 AM to 5 PM

Additional Information:

Recovery Coach/Peer Advocate is a comprehensive 5 day training that will arm you with the strength-based strategies to support persons in or seeking recovery from alcohol and other drugs and addictions.

Similar to life and business coaching, Recovery Coaching (also known as peer mentoring) is a type of partnership where the person in or seeking recovery self directs his/her recovery while the coach provides expertise in supporting successful change.

Recovery Coaching focuses on achieving any goals important to the individual. The coach asks question and offers suggestions to help the “recoveree” begin to take the lead in advertising his/her recovery needs. Recovery Coaching focuses on honoring values and making principle-based decisions, creating a clear plan of action, and using current strengths to reach future goals.

The coach serves as an accountability partner to help the person sustain his/her recovery. The Recovery Coach helps the person access recovery, as well as access systems needed to support recovery such as benefits, health care, etc.

Recovery Coaches & Peer Advocates

help to initiate and sustain an individual/family in their recovery from substance use or addiction.
promote recovery by removing barriers and obstacles to recovery.
serve as a personal guide and mentor for people seeking, or already in recovery.
help a client find resources for harm reduction, detox, treatment, family support, and education, local or online support groups; or help a client create a change plan to recover on their own
help individuals find ways to stop using (abstinence), or reduce harm associated with addictive behaviors.
Recovery Coaches work with individuals/recoverees beyond recovery initiation through stabilization and into recovery maintenance. They function as a guide to help with decision making and support steps toward recovery. Recovery Coaches do not provide clinical services– (primary treatment for addiction, diagnosis) and recognize that there are many pathways to recovery.
Recovery Coaches support positive change by helping anyone including persons coming hom,e from treatment or the criminal justice system to avoid relapse, build community support for recovery, or work on life goals such as relationships, work, education, etc. Recovery Coaching is dissimilar from therapy because coaches do not address the past, do not address the trauma, and there is little emphasis on feelings. Recovery Coaches are unlike licensed addiction counselors in the sense that coaches are non-clinical and do not diagnose or treat addiction or any mental health issues. Coaches may assist the individual to access clinical services.
Recovery Coaching is a peer-based service that is developed and provided mainly by persons who are in recovery themselves and as a result have gained knowledge on how to attain and sustain recovery, and also by those involved in the recovery initiation of others.
Over the past ten years with the emergence of the body of knowledge around the development of Recovery Oriented Systems of Care (ROSC), and the major role that peers play in this model of service delivery, there has been increased interest in peer services. One of the transformational changes that federal health care reform is bringing is an increasing focus on peer services, funding mechanisms to support peer services; and credentialing of peer services.
Cost of this training is $165.00 Includes RCA Manual
30 Hour prerequisite for the Peer Advocate Credential
30hrs Approved CEU’s

Contact Name: Connie Pacheco Contact Phone Number: (718) 496-1589 Contact Email Address: cpacheco@recoveriesrus.org

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