Date: Jul 16, 2019 - Aug 13, 2019
Time: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Status: Open Registration Deadline: Jul 15, 2019
Trainers Name: Reggie James / Ed Havlovic Training Site: The Pillars NYC Wellness Center Address:
289 St Nicholas Ave Lower Level New York, New York 10027 New York County
Status: Open Registration Deadline: Jul 15, 2019
Trainers Name: Reggie James / Ed Havlovic Training Site: The Pillars NYC Wellness Center Address:
289 St Nicholas Ave Lower Level New York, New York 10027 New York County
Credit Hours: 30
Credit Types:
Cost: $400
Manuals: Included
Every Tuesday for 5 weeks: 7/16, 7/23, 7/30, 8/6 & 8/13
Additional Information:
Contact Name: Reggie james Contact Phone Number: (917) 576-1949 Contact Email Address: [email protected]
Comprehensive collaborative with specialized mentoring and guidance throughout the process and beyond. Reggie is an experienced national trainer, social entrepreneur and has extensive lived experience. He iiis founder of ReVision and an original and significant leader of Brothers in Recovery (BIR) a 3`1 year peer support multi state recovery organization. These trainers are seasoned and fun loving!
Pillars holistic wellness center is located next to Checkers. Take the A, B, C & D subway to 125th St.; Buses Bx15, M3, M60-SBS, M100 or M101. All transportation is steps away from 289 St. Nicholas Ave. Ring the bell, then the phone symbol for entrance.
Contact Name: Reggie james Contact Phone Number: (917) 576-1949 Contact Email Address: [email protected]