Throughout history, the shame and stigma of alcoholism and other drug addictions forced countless individuals and family members impacted by addiction to remain in the shadows. Often ashamed and afraid, we felt disempowered and completely disengaged from our communities. Believing we had no voice, we remained silent. As a result, those of us with firsthand experience of addiction weren’t included in policy discussions and decisions pertaining to prevention, treatment, and recovery support services (RSS). Instead, these decisions were often made by well-meaning people who lacked any real understanding of addiction or recovery.

“The times, they are a changing.” – Bob Dylan

Silent No More

Beginning in the late 1990’s, there has been slow, but steady, movement toward advocating for recovery. That movement, known as the New Recovery Advocacy Movement, burst onto the national stage on October 4, 2015, when tens of thousands of people from around the country gathered in Washington, D.C. to advocate for recovery and call for an end to the shame and stigma that has kept so many from seeking the help they needed. It was promoted as “The Day the Silence Ends.”

Today, more individuals and family members are speaking up about their own recovery. In doing so, they’re helping to erase the shame and stigma once so pervasive in society, influencing policy and offering hope to those still in the shadows. This fact was abundantly clear at FOR-NY’s Stand Up for Recovery Day. Click on the video below to see recovery advocacy at it’s best!

FOR-NY Director of Policy, Stephanie Campbell, Speaks at Release of Assembly Minority Heroin Task Force Report- 1-25-16

Friends of Recovery from throughout the state meet with their elected officials during Recovery Advocacy Day 2016 in Albany.

Our policy agenda is informed by a variety of sources including:

  • Research collected from grassroots engagement and qualitative and quantitative surveys
  • Ongoing collaboration with recovery community organizations to identify areas of need
  • Organizing and advocating with individuals and family members at events throughout the state
  • Engagement with legislative and policy leaders

We are committed to demonstrating the power and promise of recovery and to erasing the stigma of addiction. Together with friends of Recovery in communities across the state, we will raise awareness, end discrimination, inspire support and, ultimately, save lives.

Read Our 2017 Policy Statement

“Being able to stay around long enough to see people grow is the most heartfelt, hopeful measure that I have been exposed to in my life.”

“Being able to stay around long enough to see people grow is the most heartfelt, hopeful measure that I have been exposed to in my life.”