In 2016, FOR-NY surveyed individuals and families living in recovery from addiction, families who lost a loved one to addiction, and people who had otherwise been impacted by addition. Almost 1700 people across New York participated in FOR-NY’s first “recovery needs” assessment. Question 27 addressed common barriers to treatment. Here’s what we learned…
Q27: What are the barriers you’ve experienced in trying to access treatment? (Please circle all that apply, and write in if different)
Our Interpretation: There are Several Common Barriers to Treatment
Lack of insurance coverage (42%) and/or inability to pay (25%) remain the primary barriers to receiving necessary treatment for addiction, even in light of recent expansion of coverage through Parity. Veterans, however, were less likely to designate lack of insurance coverage (35%) as a barrier. There were also some notable regional differences in perceived adequacy of insurance coverage.
Stigma and shame (29%) remain major barriers to seeking and maintaining recovery from addiction, for individuals and families, persisting despite advances in the view of addiction as a treatable, neurobiological disease. Fortunately, there are efforts in New York and nationally to educate the public regarding addiction and recovery. Much more needs to be done, however.