Currently, staff from Odyssey House Inc. are helping to train an inspiring group of athletes who are preparing to run the 26.2 mile NYC Marathon this November.  This is not your average group of athletes: many of them have histories of physical and emotional trauma, incarceration, homelessness and mental illness; some are mothers who are victims of abuse and domestic violence; some are adolescents, searching for direction and purpose in life; others are elderly, looking for a second start; all of them have taken on this amazing personal challenge with the resolve and determination to see it through to the end.  In this way, the marathon experience tests the runners in much the same way as the recovery process will challenge them – by confronting them with seemingly insurmountable odds that they will overcome, one mile at a time.   These team members need your support.  Most of them cannot afford uniforms or running shoes.  None of them have the financial means to pay the $196 Marathon Application fee.   In these difficult economic times, with budgets at the federal, state and local levels facing deep cuts, funding for innovative programming such as Odyssey House’s Run For Your Life Program is virtually non-existent.  The program relies on individuals who understand its utility and efficacy and are willing to support its continued existence.   If you are interested in donating to this amazing and inspiring group of individuals please follow this link and the instructions below:

  1. Choose Donation Amount
  2. Select Frequency: Recurring or One Time Donation
  3. From Drop Down Menu Select: “NYC Marathon”
  4. Under Dedication Select: On Behalf of, “Jeremy King and the NYC Marathon Team”
  5. Send Dedication Acknowledgement
  6. Enter Personal Information