Status: Open Registration Deadline: Mar 27, 2024
Trainers Name: Connie Pacheco Training Site: Recoveries R US Address:
127 East 105th Street 3rd Floor,Between Lexington and Park Ave New York, New York 10029 United States County
Monday through Friday 9:00AM to 4:00PM, Includes all printed handouts
6 hour Class can be used for CRPA & CARC & CASAC Renewals.
Digital Ethics in the Substance Use Disorder Field.” In this transformative course, delve into the intersection of digital technology, social media, and electronic platforms with the realm of substance use disorders. Gain a comprehensive understanding of digital ethics and how it impacts the recovery process. Discover the potential benefits and risks of utilizing digital tools for support and growth in the substance use disorder field. Learn how to navigate social media platforms responsibly, while harnessing their power to promote recovery and enhance community engagement. Join us on this forward-thinking training to unlock the potential of digital innovation in the pursuit of recovery.
Contact Name: Desiree Dowdy Contact Phone Number: (917) 265-8090 Contact Email Address: