“We the undersigned residents of New York urge our State Senators, Assembly members and Governor Cuomo to continue to build on the groundbreaking I-STOP law by enacting access to treatment legislation; authorizing addiction treatment professionals to certify the need for addiction treatment, the treatment modality and the duration of treatment. Far too many families have been devastated by the decisions of insurance companies in routinely denying potential life saving inpatient rehab and other types of treatment for individuals in need.  Addiction experts on the front lines are best equipped to make these often life-saving determinations. Recovery from addiction has a resounding positive economic effect including major reductions in medical and criminal justice costs.”

Download the 2014 Petition for Treatment

Please help us to secure petition signatures.  Signed petitions can be faxed to FOR-NY board member, Richard Buckman at 631-586-1234. Thank you for your support on this important matter!

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