Our colleagues at Faces and Voices of Recovery circulated the following email from Bill White:

Dear friends and fellow advocates,

I am pleased to announce that the new edition of Slaying the Dragon: The History of Addiction Treatment and Recovery in America has just been published. This second edition contains 31 chapters, 580 pages, and more than 100 photographs of addiction treatment and recovery pioneers. The Table of Contents and a Sample Chapter have been posted at www.williamwhitepapers.com.

The new edition contains a section entitled “The Recovery Revolution” that recounts the history of the new recovery advocacy movement, the growth and diversification of recovery mutual aid organizations, the rise of new recovery support institutions, and an emerging ecumenical culture of recovery in the U.S. The new book can be ordered by clicking here or calling toll free 1-888-547-8271. The publisher has agreed to give recovery advocacy organizations a 40% discount on bulk quantities (5 or more copies) of the new edition. That way, they can either sell the book for $15 as a benefit for their members or sell it for its full price of $24.95 and use the sale of the book as a fundraiser.  Let me know if you have any questions about this. You can reach me at [email protected] or at 941-575-9882.

It has been a great honor for me to serve as the historian of our movement. I hope this new edition of Slaying the Dragon will help further mobilize individuals and families in recovery as a force for positive change in local communities across the country.

With best regards,

Bill White