Status: Open Registration Deadline: Jul 16, 2021
Trainers Name: Dona Pagan Training Site: VIRTUAL Address:
VIRTUAL-DYSO LLC VIRTUAL-DYSO LLC Ozone park, New York 11417 Queens County
This training meets the requirements for 12 continuing education hours (CRPA/CARC) through New York Certification Board.
This instructor-led course will offer the participants a cultural competence journey of exploration into who they are; what motivates them and the individuals they serve; how do they and those they serve function in the world; and where to best place and use their own curious nature in growing an appreciation for the those they serve as cultural beings.
Upon successful completion of this course, students will have knowledge in:
The importance of Cultural Competence when working in the community.
Terms & definitions: (Culture, Cultural “Umbrella Terms”, Linguistic Competence, Cultural Identity, Assimilation, Acculturation, Health Literacy)
Person Centeredness and Cultural Competence
The important of Trauma Informed Coaching Through A Cultural Lens
Terms & Definitions (Stereotypes, Prejudice, Discrimination, Overt vs. Covert Racism, Microaggressions)
Power & Privilege, Boundary Management
The Nuances & Attributes of developing individual support and culturally appropriate education to build trust and discuss change
Motivational Interviewing as a Strategy for Cross-Cultural Engagement (Activity)
Cross Cultural-Communication – Within the Context of Cultural Competence
Resources for Recovery Tools to Support Positive Change, Healthy Behaviors & Culturally Responsive Engagement
-There will be an offline assignment required for completion of this course.
-Materials will be sent prior to course start.
View and register at:
Contact Name: Dona Pagan Contact Phone Number: (917) 922-5917 Contact Email Address: [email protected]
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